Pizza & Paint Night -January (coming soon)
Monthly Pizza & Paint Parties are open to ages 7-12 who seek a fun and creative Friday night out. 5:30pm-7:30pm. Includes a 8.5”x11” guided acrylic canvas painting project, cheese/pepperoni pizza and beverages. Class is drop off. $35 (10% cash discount available-email for discount code) additional after care available for a fee (maybe date night run late?!)
Monthly Pizza & Paint Parties are open to ages 7-12 who seek a fun and creative Friday night out. 5:30pm-7:30pm. Includes a 8.5”x11” guided acrylic canvas painting project, cheese/pepperoni pizza and beverages. Class is drop off. $35 (10% cash discount available-email for discount code) additional after care available for a fee (maybe date night run late?!)
Monthly Pizza & Paint Parties are open to ages 7-12 who seek a fun and creative Friday night out. 5:30pm-7:30pm. Includes a 8.5”x11” guided acrylic canvas painting project, cheese/pepperoni pizza and beverages. Class is drop off. $35 (10% cash discount available-email for discount code) additional after care available for a fee (maybe date night run late?!)